You can live your life and get what you want. No matter how busy you are, you can be a part of the world also. Furthermore, you can earn a reasonable portion of the universe. Education, technology and flexibility can take you wherever you wish to be and give you the freedom of accessing more knowledge and other resources of your time. Your time is specifically yours and that is all you have. The rest is a grant to you. Make good use of it. Now you can be a part in the making of a nation. You can make the difference. Make your voice heard.

Building my very own political platform

Vilken konstitution skall organismen ha… och vad skall den bestå av….. och hur skall den tillämpas ?

Landskapsammanslutningar växte före 1600-talet som ett uttryck för den spontana sammanhållningen som existerade mellan studenter och lärare från samma landskap. Den provinsiella härstamningen spelade en viktig roll och utgjorde en viktig grundval för den akademiska samvaron och detta gällde i kamratlivet då man anordnade fester av olika slag, tog hand om de nyanlända och gav hjälp åt de nödlidande. Indelningen geografiskt avspeglas i representationen från bl a Uplandus, Botniensis eller Ostrogothus, etc.

Landsmannschaften eller societeten som de också kallades sammanfördes årligen under ledningen av Universitets rektorn för att välkomna våren och festa i dagarna tre på sista april och sedan fortsätta en vecka till till vårbalen för att festa för tankens frihet vilket översätts till engelska med ”Balls of the Nations”.

För att påskynda organiseringsprocessen landsmän emellan utsågs femton inspektorer för de femton sammanslutningarna att utveckla ”de wackra ämnen” som upptäcktes i landskapslivet och de skulle sammankallas minst tre gånger per termin för att ”dhe således måtte inhampte gode och tienlige åthwarningar”.

Dessa studenter upmanades att söka sig till nationerna för att inte känna sig hemlösa och på så sätt utveckla den framtida visionenen av studenternas värld i de nationerna som avspeglar en motsvarande indelning av Europa och omvärlden och samlade skulle agera såsom de förenade nationerna för världsfreden. Studenterna hade således lagt grunden för att kunna föra vidare sina traditioner ute i världen. Dessa nationer festar än för tankens frihet huvudsakligen på våren men även på andra tider av året. Nationslivet är således eurolivet och cosmolivet.

Organismens mynt har två sidor. Den ena livsviktiga funktionen utgör maktutövningen genom statsapparaten och den andra livsviktiga funktionen utgör myntets värdeskapande insatserna genom de tunga aktörerna på marknaden. Däremellan är bufferten och lagerutrymmet för de livsviktiga och grundläggande livsuppehållande funktionerna som ger ett uttryck för organismens mått på levnadsstandard och livskvalité i ett cosmopolitisk perspektiv.

Varje cell i organismen har i regel samma genuppsättning.


1. EU
2. Rättsväsendet
3. Försvar
4. Statsfinanser
5. Utrikespolitik


6. Bostad
7. Skola
8. Fritid
9. Vård
10. Flykting/Invandrarpolitik


11. Sjukvård
12. Näringslivet
13. Miljö
14. Utbildning
15. Turism

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Dainty Dish to set before the Ethnic Heathens

At the festivities in medevial times, the boar's head with an apple in its mouth was carried into the banquet hall on a gold or silver dish to the sounds of trumpets and the songs of minstrels to be served as a test of truthful conversion from earlier doctrine. Some would decline to eat the ham while authentic converts could enjoy the pig meat with equanimity. However, the earlier Asa and Aribi Heathens, associated with the boars, goats, moose, deer or the sheep harvest and fertility, had no referance whatsoever to such rituals of conversion that have been popularized by some beliefs of the day.
Heathens seek pleasure in everything, as do "peasants" or "rural inhabitants" "seize the day", without discriminating anyone or anything, in a lifestyle opposed to or unlike their own. Unlike the heathens that have lived off "untilled land", in tract of uncultivated waste land" and have desired the fertility of the soil; the townsmen and townswomen will know less of they who are sensual, fleshly, lascivious and sexual to be concerned with the playful, lust, desires and pleasures of the present and the future.
We have no religion. We are ethnic heathens.
From oris to anus (and from anus to oris with humi in between)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trust Me and KSP will take You There the flow of all things in a culture of the swift and the standard speaks learning of facts and figures a language of sports and society for now a body of PHERO is established bringing together the nations as much is based in the art of making the right judgements of things for quality and quantity of matter and the time and place of affairs and if regulations and principles and customs show the ways of being and applying to understand and solving problems in as many different spheres of science concerned with the study of life in functions and growths as in important topics of interactions and in associated environments and social network analysis in the concept of structural functionalism starting off with the elementary particles of atoms molecules and energy in nature to know of the universe and its boundaries rigidly defined as students do embrace their nations 15 upsala central house clubs in any association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal and to make a home and party on every other day....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

PHERO is ready for Sports and Society.

A developed and modified sport is a civilised form of social behaviour to understand the dynamic forces of change and balance in human, bovine and beast behaviour.
Rules and regulations control a sport with a constitution to administrate itself in a way to maintain the essence of the game and the art to bring it to life. The structure of the sport and its administration presents its natural profile in the human, bovine and beast mind, persona and behaviour and to thrive as a necessity for the education of the human race and its complementaries.
Tennis Real - Tough
Hockey Classic - Polite
Cricket Sincere - Fine
Netball Clean - Cautious
Rugby Honest - Rough
This basic classification of the ULHC sports is important as it illustrates the fundamental differences in mind, behaviour and culture which is the primary cause to all tension that can arise when an element or set of elements from one sport collide with an element or a set of elements of another sport. Yet, in every society all the sports are represented in a blend of the whole population. However, to achieve the goals and purposes of each sport it has to be exercised strictly within the defined rules and regulations that govern that specific sport separately.

The faculty of the human mind which is necessary to define rules and regulations is intellect as a function within the brain to reason and give it a structure to thought and to understand what is true or real.
Common sense is the result of restructuring thought in a subconcscious manner and making it ultimately to good sense as be:
PHERO Smooth - Nice.